Luisa Pita Gallery , Stand n°
SALUSTIANO GARCÍA Love is pop (Rafael with goldfinch)

Ivan Tovar Le démon de la forêt vierge

Ivan Tovar Untitled

Ivan Tovar Untitled

Ivan Tovar Untitled

Ivan Tovar Untitled

Ivan Tovar Untitled

Ivan Tovar Untitled

Ivan Tovar Untitled

Leo Wellmar Reflected Togetherness

Leo Wellmar Deep into the Soul

Leo Wellmar Surrounded

Leo Wellmar Inside

Pierre Louis Geldenhuys Pruning the roses

Pierre Louis Geldenhuys Go green

Pierre Louis Geldenhuys Starry Night

Ruddy Taveras Giving life

Ruddy Taveras Longing II

Ruddy Taveras Balancing the present III

Ruddy Taveras Moving memories

Ruddy Taveras A conversation between strangers

Ruddy Taveras The world vanished by man

Ruddy Taveras One minute in the future IV

Ruddy Taveras Untitled
Exhibiting Artists
Other Represented Artists