Olga Korper Gallery , Stand n° AM137
Melanie Authier Levianthan’s Wake
Luca Soldovieri A Glimpse From Somewhere Deep Inside (1 and 2)
Ken Nicol go fuck yourself - square - black
Vickie Vainionpaa Soft Body Dynamics #106
Kelly Mark Your Time Will Come
Sandra Brewster Blur 20
Shabnam K. Ghazi The happiness of getting the perfect score
Meaghan Hyckie Trill
Esmaa Mohamoud One of the Boys (White)
Barbara Hobot White Net #19
Shabnam K. Ghazi Garden of Thoughts V
Shabnam K. Ghazi There is only one line between us
Shabnam K. Ghazi Yarn (4)
Shabnam K. Ghazi String of Thoughts 9
Shabnam K. Ghazi The String of Thoughts (11)
Melanie Authier Tensile Shores
Melanie Authier Ode to Night Crawlers
Melanie Authier New Alchemy
Meaghan Hyckie Comfort
Meaghan Hyckie Privacy
Meaghan Hyckie A Healthful and Pleasant Community Life
Meaghan Hyckie Fret
Ron Shuebrook Enigma
Ron Shuebrook Site of Discourse drawing
Ron Shuebrook Ambiguities
Robert Fones Ant Lions
Robert Fones Enseigne de Gersaint, Figure 2
Robert Fones Enseigne de Gersaint, Figure 7
Robert Fones Enseigne de Gersaint, Figure 12
Robert Fones Enseigne de Gersaint, Figure 3
Sandra Brewster Blur 21
Sandra Brewster Blur 21
Luca Soldovieri Bound By the Light (West Window)
Luca Soldovieri Bound By the Light (Little Arch)
Luca Soldovieri Now That the Dust Has Settled (Bricks at Night 1)
Luca Soldovieri Alcove
Luca Soldovieri Lock (4)
Luca Soldovieri Lock (5)
Luca Soldovieri Lock (6)
Luca Soldovieri Handwritten Inscription in Alice in Wonderland
Luca Soldovieri Initials Carved into Tree
Barbara Hobot Untitled
Esmaa Mohamoud Heavy heavy (Hoop Dreams)
Exhibiting Artists
Other Represented Artists
e: info@olgakorpergallery.com
w: http://www.olgakorpergallery.com
Founded: 1973
Shelli Cassidy-McIntosh
Taiga Lipson
Thomas Schneider
Sarah Pereux